Mono on Linux VPS to support ASP.NET website

I started to work with ASP.Net technology since 2009. I found C# is much better then PHP, although PHP work faster.

But C# is much better to debug, to use other good technologies like Ajax. And the last thing about ASP.Net – it allow to create the powerful desktop-like application using website.

And what VPS is better? Windows or Linux?

Let's try to learn features of both of them.

Windows VPS

Ok. Windows 2003 server with 768Mb of RAM, 4Gb HDD, and the processor about 1GHz – is enough for average ASP.Net website.

The average price of this VPS is about 35$/mo. With any admin panel – +10-12$. As result we have about 45$/mo for the virtual private server where we can run simple application.

The main problem of the Windows VPS (I had a bad experience) – a lot of viruses infect windows VPS and it's impossible to do something without a powerful antivirus (about 20$/mo). As result the price of VPS is grow again.

The advantages:

  • Native ASP.Net engine in IIS 6+ – allow to run any software compatible with usual desktop Windows.
  • Remote desktop allow to manage the VPS using habitual environment

The lacks:

  • Windows eat many memory for simple things, so it's very hard to add more services / programs without of growth of the RAM (and this growth will costs about 10-15$ for every 1Gb of RAM)
  • Windows is very wound for a huge quantity of troyan viruses

Linux VPS

CentOS 5+ or Ubuntu 4+ with 2Gb of RAM, 50Gb HDD, the processor from 1GHZ – is enough to run an ASP.Net website under the Mono.

The average price of this VPS is about 19$/mo. Free webmin admin panel could be used – 0$. As result we have about 19$/mo for the virtual private server where we can run ASP.Net application.

Linux is powerful & reliable operation system where it's possible to run a lot of other things.

The advantages:

  • A lot of ready-to-use free software made for Linux/UNIX in last 10-20 years
  • Linux have own powerful security tools – so this system is more reliable then Windows

Ok. We'll not compare system, we'll consider installation Mono on CentOS.

  1. Take from Mono website or use its SVN
  2. Compile
  3. Install mod_mono with apache
  4. Use
mono_asp.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/30 11:21 (external edit)
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